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Melons Commodities



From the moment they are harvested, melons are susceptible to a variety of stem and surface molds as well as fungal pathogens including Cladosporium, Geotrichum, Rhizopus, and Alternaria. Melons are also at risk of contamination from foodborne pathogens, and climacteric varieties can be highly sensitive to ethylene.

To help ensure safe, high-quality arrivals with a long post-arrival shelf life, it is critical to control mold growth, slow ripening, and reduce populations of dangerous pathogens while in transit to market. Unfortunately, standard container refrigeration (regular atmosphere) is often not enough protection—especially for long transit times—to prevent decay, maintain fruit pressure and color, and enhance food safety. Faced with the limitations of regular atmosphere, melon shippers are increasingly looking to Purfresh to enhance the level of produce protection during ocean transit.

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